How Could I Know? #writephoto


If you stay on one side

and I the other

how will I know the color of your eyes

what tune your voice plays when your words lilt into the air?

How will I know if humor is one of your senses

or if the shoes you wear have traveled far?

I want to know what made you grow

and what kept you stagnant

what made you smile

and what made you weep

If you stay on one side

and I the other

how would I ever be



Dive into My Center – #writephoto


image by Kerfe at

Dive into my center

past the bog of obstacles,

the sharp edges,

the pointed arrows.

Peel this artichoke

layer by layer

leaf by leaf

through tiny thorns.

See past the choke

into the light

of my waiting heart.


image credit




To Taste the Smells of Distant Shores


To taste the smells of distant shores

contents of wares within wooden crates

heaved on sturdy shoulders

to reach my hand between the wooden slats

and feel the relics

like silk between my fingers

those tastes of memories.


To taste the smells of distant shores

teas and spices peddled by steadfast merchants

exotic oils purified and funneled into blue glass bottles

the dusty threads of ancient Persian carpets

woven by still, sure hands

the taste of skill and craftsmanship

of those who came before.


I want to taste the smells of distant shores

the ports of entries open

for senses to rouse

for eyes to open

in harbors safe

a saving grace

exposure to

the new.


Image credit

Farewell, Poet, And the Seasons will Mend


And now September burns the careful tree
That builds each year the leaf and bark again
With solemn care and rounded certainty
That nothing lives which seasons do not mend.

The young are never robbed of innocence
But given gold of love and memory.
We live in wealth whose bounds exceed our sense,
And when we die are full of memory.

by Donald Hall


Mr. Hall died last Saturday, June 30th. He was 89.


photo credit

 read the tribute here

Set to Square


My Frigidaire’s in disrepair

the water’s leaking everywhere

My husband, well, he’s unaware

He’s napping in his underwear.

I tell myself, “do not despair.”

There must be food I can prepare

something fresh, a peach or pear?

Poor Fridge, it’s had it’s wear and tear

this in common, this we share

But I will act most debonair

when I wake up my sleeping bear

still with stance that’s set to square

and tell him he must fetch our fare

(“yes, now go and do your share”)

then waving just one hand in flair

I’ll sit upon my outdoor chair,

paint my nails with greater care

then catch a snooze mid-air.



– C. Dennis-Willingham ©


painting by Kay Crain

(I love this piece of art)

via Frigid

Be Open to the World

The Birth of Venus

I wait for you to come out of your shell

for you to incubate and percolate

into your perfect self

The world is not always a scary place



Fear will dissipate

You can become the Goddess of Love

Just open your gate

Make this your world to punctuate

And we will celebrate your glory.


image credit


via Incubate

What If and Why Not?


Befuddled, bewildered and baffled am I

to think that my house cannot live in the sky

I’d open my windows each morning at dawn

and wave to the birds as they proudly flap on

I’d puff up the clouds that create my front yard

and bend my own rainbow to hang as my guard

At night I would juggle and play with the stars

then tuck them in safely in soft layered jars

Now, as i look up, I don’t understand

why my house it must always be glued to the land.


image credit

via Bewildered